Swiftium offers an AIO (all in one) registration solution for your next event, with highly customizable badge templates and registration experiences for your event attendees.
The Swiftium registration soultion can be run from an on-site server, making it outage resistant. You have peace of mind, as the Swiftium registration solution has eliminated the risks assosiated with an internet outage.
The Swiftium registration system has affordable pricing, regardless of event size.
Every aspect of the registration experience is customizable. An option you need doesn't exist? If you can think it, Swiftium will make it happen!
Have potential registrants register themselves from an event's online registration page.
Email potential registrants a URL that allows them to complete their registration process.
Defining registrant types give you the ability to transform every registrants registration experience, from a simple label change to a completely different registration path.
Printing name badges can be a tedious and overwhelming process. Leave it to the Swiftium registration solution to assist you. Single name badge stock or multiple name badges per stock; all badge stocks are supported.
An intuitive, graphical name badge designer makes designing name badges an easy task.
Have different name badge designs based on the attendee type? Easily design a different name badge for each attendee type.
Registrants can register for sessions that are running at your event. There is the option to designate some or all sessions for purchase.
Purchasable options can be offered during registration. Examples of purchasable options might be a breakfast/lunch/dinner.
Apply discounts to purchasable content such as sessions and options for particular registration types.
Allow non-registered attendees to register themselves on-site.
Pre-registered attendees can look up their records and print their name badges.
Using a different registration system that does not include name badge generation or is simply out of budget to generate name badges with their solution? Utilizing the Swiftium integration sync system, registration data from another system can be imported into the Swiftium registration system, allowing name badge printing from a kiosk or pre-printing.
Run the registration system from an on-site server eliminating the risk of losing connection with the Swiftium cloud servers.
Registrant information fields are the backbone of an event's registration solution. Being able to collect an unlimited number of information fields is a must.
There are multiple input types for information fields. Supported input types are as follows: